Will Dentists Perform Emergency Tooth Extractions?

February 07, 2023
Emergency Tooth Extractions

If you’re in severe pain, it could result from a damaged or decaying tooth that requires emergency treatment. Knowing whether your local dentist carries out emergency procedures is important – this article will help answer that question. We’ll discuss the types of treatments that an emergency dentist may offer and some alternatives for those who don’t have access to one.

What Is An Emergency Tooth Extraction?

An emergency tooth extraction is a procedure carried out by a dentist or an oral surgeon. It involves the removal of a damaged or decaying tooth to prevent further pain and damage to other teeth or gums. The procedure is usually carried out under local anaesthetic, which means you’ll be awake during the extraction but won’t feel any pain.

Who Can Perform an Emergency Tooth Extraction?

The emergency tooth extraction procedure can be performed by either a dentist or an oral surgeon. Depending on your situation, one may be more suitable than the other – your dental professional can advise you on this.

What Is Involved In An Emergency Tooth Extraction?

The emergency tooth extraction process is similar to standard tooth extraction. During the procedure, your dentist or oral surgeon will use dental instruments to loosen the tooth and gently pull it out of your mouth. Sometimes, they may need to cut away part of the gum tissue to access and remove the tooth.

What Are The Risks Of An Emergency Tooth Extraction?

The risks associated with emergency tooth extractions are similar to those of any other dental procedure. However, due to its emergency nature, there is an increased risk of complications such as infection or nerve damage. It would help if you spoke to your emergency dentist beforehand about any potential risks to make an informed decision about whether or not this is the right treatment for you.

Alternatives To An Emergency Tooth Extraction

If emergency tooth extraction isn’t an option, other emergency treatments can relieve your pain and protect your teeth from further damage. These alternatives include antibiotics, root canal treatments and dental crowns. Your emergency dentist can advise you on the most suitable treatment based on your circumstances.


Antibiotics may be prescribed in cases where a bacterial infection is causing pain and damaging the surrounding teeth or gums. They can help to reduce inflammation and pain while also preventing the spread of infection.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is another emergency option that can be used to repair a damaged or decaying tooth. During the procedure, your emergency dentist will remove the infected parts of the tooth and fill in any cavities with a special material. This helps to prevent further damage and restore the strength of the tooth.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can also be used as emergency treatments for damaged teeth. A crown is a custom-made cap that covers the entire surface of the affected tooth, protecting it from further decay and strengthening its structure. Crowns are usually made from porcelain or ceramic, making them durable and long-lasting.


No one should have to suffer from a toothache in silence. If you’re experiencing emergency dental pain, it’s important to contact your emergency dentist as soon as possible. They will be able to assess your situation and recommend the most suitable treatment option for you, whether that’s an emergency tooth extraction, antibiotics or another emergency procedure.


1. How long does an emergency tooth extraction take?

An emergency tooth extraction typically takes around 30 minutes or less, depending on the complexity of the procedure.

2. What should I do if I can’t find an emergency dentist?

If there isn’t an emergency dentist available in your area, you may want to contact your regular dentist and see if they can help or refer you to someone who can.

3. Are emergency tooth extractions painful?

In most cases, emergency tooth extractions are not painful as the area will be numbed before the procedure begins. However, you may experience discomfort during the extraction due to the pressure of the instruments being used.