What Foods To Avoid After Dental Implant Surgery?

February 10, 2023
Dental Implant in Fargo

Dental implant surgery involves surgically placing a prosthetic tooth root into the jawbone to support one or more artificial teeth. Post-surgery, patients need to follow their dentist’s instructions to take care of the implants and avoid certain foods. But what should be avoided after Dental Implant Surgery? Read on to learn more about the foods you should avoid after Dental Implant Surgery.

Foods High in Sugar

Candy and Gum

Candy and gum are among the worst offenders regarding food that can damage dental implants. These sticky treats stick to your teeth, allowing bacteria easy access and increasing your risk of infection or decay around the implant. Sugary treats should be avoided for at least two weeks after Dental Implant Surgery, as sugar can weaken your immune system and decrease healing time.

Carbonated Beverages

Carbonated beverages, such as sodas and energy drinks, are high in sugar and acids that can erode enamel, compromising the health of Dental Implants. Furthermore, these sugary drinks increase your risk of developing a dental infection or inflammation around the implant site. Avoid soda and other carbonated beverages for at least two weeks after Dental Implant Surgery.


Fruits are generally good for you, but some can contain high sugar and acid levels. Citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, are particularly acidic and should be avoided for at least two weeks after Dental Implant Surgery. Fruits with high sugar content, such as grapes and apples, should also be avoided to prevent cavities or infections around the implant site.

Foods High in Starch

White Bread

White bread is one of the most starchy foods you can consume, making it a bad choice for Dental Implants patients. The starch converts to sugar when digested, which increases your risk of developing Dental Implant complications such as infection or decay. Avoid white bread and other starchy products like crackers and pretzels for at least two weeks after Dental Implant Surgery.

Rice and Pasta

Rice and pasta are both high in starch, so they should be avoided during the healing process of Dental Implant Surgery. The starches convert to sugar when digested, increasing your risk of developing Dental Implant complications such as infection or decay. Avoid rice and pasta products for at least two weeks after Dental Implant Surgery.


Popcorn is another food high in starch that can increase your risk of developing Dental Implant complications such as infection or decay. The kernels can get stuck between teeth, allowing bacteria easy access to the implant site. It is best to avoid popcorn and other starchy products for at least two weeks after Dental Implant Surgery.

Other Foods to Avoid

Hard Foods

Hard foods, such as nuts and candies, should be avoided after Dental Implant surgery. These foods can damage the implant or make it difficult to heal properly around the site of the implant. They may also irritate your gums or cause pain when chewing them. Avoid hard foods for at least two weeks after Dental Implant Surgery to speed up recovery and reduce complications.

Crunchy Foods

Crunchy foods like chips and popcorn can also damage Dental Implants. The crunchy texture can irritate the gums or make it difficult to properly heal around the implant site. It is best to avoid these foods for at least two weeks after Dental Implant Surgery to speed up recovery time and reduce complications.

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages should be avoided for at least two weeks after Dental Implant Surgery, as alcohol hurts your immune system, making it more difficult for your body to fight off infection or disease. Additionally, drinking alcohol can increase bleeding, further slowing down the healing process.


Dental Implants are a great way to improve the look and function of your smile. However, it is important to avoid certain foods after surgery to ensure dental implants heal properly. Foods high in sugar and starch should be avoided for at least two weeks following Dental Implant Surgery, as well as hard, crunchy, and alcoholic beverages.


1: How long should I avoid eating sugary or starchy foods after Dental Implant Surgery?

You should avoid eating sugary or starchy foods for at least two weeks after Dental Implant Surgery.

2: Can I eat hard candies after Dental Implant Surgery?

No, you should avoid eating hard foods for at least two weeks after Dental Implant Surgery to reduce the risk of complications.

3: Is it safe to drink alcohol after Dental Implant Surgery?

No, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for at least two weeks after Dental Implant Surgery to ensure proper healing.